Dr. Syed Ilyas Wahed HomoeoCare

Healing Throughout History: Revealing the History, Methods and Benefits of Homeopathic Medicine.

  Introduction: Homeopathic medicine is one of the many healing philosophies that have been woven into the rich tapestry of medical history. It is a tribute to the enduring potency of natural medicines. We'll examine the historical foundations of homeopathy, practical advice for taking homeopathic medicine, and the many benefits it provides for overall wellbeing in this in-depth overview. Reff[1] A Brief Overview of Homeopathic History 1.        Origins in the 18th Century: Samuel Hahnemann established homeopathy in Germany in the late 18th century. Hahnemann created the foundation of homeopathy, focusing on the idea of "like cures like" and the use of very diluted chemicals, because he was dissatisfied with the medical procedures of the day.   2.         Evolution and Worldwide Dispersal: In the 19th century, homeopathy became more and more popular throughout Europe before expanding to other continents. Pro...

Pink Eye in Kids: Causes, Symptoms, and Care

Title: "Pink Eye in Kids: Causes, Symptoms, and Care"

Introduction: Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition that can affect people of all ages, including children. It's characterized by redness, itchiness, and a discharge in one or both eyes. While pink eye in kids can be uncomfortable, it is usually not serious and can be easily treated. In this blog, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, prevention, and care for pink eye in children.

Causes of Pink Eye in Kids:

  1. Viral Infection: Viruses are a common cause of pink eye in children. It often accompanies a cold or other respiratory infection.

  2. Bacterial Infection: Bacterial pink eye can result from exposure to certain bacteria. It tends to cause more significant discharge and may require antibiotics.

  3. Allergies: Allergic conjunctivitis can be triggered by allergens like pollen, dust, or pet dander. It typically affects both eyes and may be seasonal.

  4. Irritants: Exposure to irritants such as smoke, chlorine in swimming pools, or chemicals can also cause pink eye.

Common Symptoms of Pink Eye in Kids:

  • Redness: The white part of the eye appears pink or red.
  • Itchiness: Children may complain of itching or discomfort in their eyes.
  • Watery Eyes: Excessive tearing can be a sign of pink eye.
  • Eye Discharge: Depending on the cause (viral or bacterial), there may be a thick, yellowish discharge, or a watery discharge.
  • Swelling: The eyelids may become puffy and swollen.
  • Sensitivity to Light: Children may be sensitive to bright light.

Preventing Pink Eye in Kids:

  • Hand Hygiene: Teach your child to wash their hands regularly, especially before touching their eyes.
  • Avoiding Eye Rubbing: Discourage kids from rubbing their eyes, which can spread infection.
  • Personal Items: Advise against sharing items like towels, pillowcases, or eye makeup.
  • Allergen Management: If your child has allergic conjunctivitis, identify and minimize exposure to allergens.
  • Vaccinations: Ensure your child's vaccinations are up to date to prevent certain viral infections.

Treating Pink Eye in Kids:


Pink eye in kids is a common and usually mild condition that can be managed with proper care and hygiene. If you suspect your child has pink eye, seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. With the right care, your child will be back to their bright and cheerful selves in no time!https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=277347135216500&set=pb.100088236474072.-2207520000

